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Cooking Recipe

Bulgogi rice bowl recipe One-day class

by 올해의요리사 2024. 7. 25.

Hello everyone, Chef of the Year here!

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a modern twist on a traditional Korean dish, 'Bulgogi Rice Bowl.' Bulgogi is one of Korea’s most popular dishes, known for its sweet and savory flavor. This recipe is simple yet delicious, making it perfect for busy days. Let’s get started!


First, let’s prepare the necessary ingredients. This recipe serves 4.

Bulgogi Ingredients:


Thinly sliced beef 600g
Onion (sliced) 1
Carrot (sliced) 1/2
Green onion (sliced) 2
Garlic (minced) 3 cloves
Soy sauce 6 tbsp
Sugar 2 tbsp
Sesame oil 2 tbsp
Black pepper To taste
Sesame seeds 1 tbsp
Pear (grated) 1/2
Soy sauce (additional) 2 tbsp
Cooking wine 2 tbsp

Rice Bowl Ingredients:


Rice 4 servings
Lettuce (shredded) A handful
Seaweed (crumbled) To taste
Gochujang (Korean chili paste) 2 tbsp
Sesame oil 1 tbsp


Prepare the Bulgogi Marinade:

  1. Mix the Marinade:
    • In a large bowl, mix soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, minced garlic, black pepper, sesame seeds, and grated pear. The pear helps tenderize the meat.
  2. Marinate the Beef:
    • Add the thinly sliced beef to the marinade and mix well. Let it marinate for about 30 minutes to allow the flavors to soak in.

Prepare the Vegetables:

  1. Slice the Vegetables:
    • Slice the onion and carrot thinly, and cut the green onion diagonally. These vegetables add flavor and color to the dish.
  2. Combine with Beef:
    • Mix the sliced vegetables with the marinated beef.

Cook the Bulgogi:

  1. Heat the Pan:
    • Heat some oil in a pan over medium heat.
  2. Stir-Fry:
    • Add the marinated beef and vegetables to the pan and stir-fry until the beef is browned and the vegetables are tender.

Prepare the Rice Bowl:

  1. Cook the Rice:
    • Cook the rice according to your preference. Warm rice is ideal for this dish.
  2. Assemble the Bowl:
    • Place the rice in bowls. Top with shredded lettuce and cooked bulgogi. Add a dollop of gochujang and drizzle with sesame oil.
  3. Garnish:
    • Sprinkle crumbled seaweed on top for extra flavor and texture.

Additional Tips

  1. Add Various Vegetables:
    • Enhance the nutrition by adding mushrooms, zucchini, or bell peppers. The mix of vegetables adds richness to the dish.
  2. Use Tofu Instead of Meat:
    • For a vegetarian version, substitute beef with tofu. Marinate the tofu in the same way to infuse it with flavor.
  3. Increase Spiciness:
    • If you like it spicy, add more gochujang or include some sliced chili peppers.
  4. Try Different Grains:
    • Substitute rice with quinoa, barley, or brown rice for a healthier alternative.
  5. Use Leftover Bulgogi:
    • Leftover bulgogi can be used in various dishes like bulgogi kimbap, bulgogi salad, or bibimbap.

Final Thoughts

How did you like it? The bulgogi rice bowl we made together is sweet, savory, and simple to prepare, making it perfect for any busy day. This dish is easy to make and enjoyable with family or friends. I hope this recipe has been a helpful addition to your culinary journey.

We look forward to sharing more delicious and special recipes with you next time. Enjoy your bulgogi rice bowl and have a wonderful day! Your feedback is always welcome. Please share your thoughts in the comments. Let’s continue to enjoy more delicious and healthy cooking together.

Benefits of Bulgogi Rice Bowl

  1. Traditional Korean Flavor:
    • The bulgogi rice bowl offers a modern take on traditional Korean flavors. The sweet and savory bulgogi paired with rice makes for a perfect meal.
  2. Simple Preparation:
    • This recipe is easy to follow and doesn’t require special tools or techniques, allowing you to create a delicious meal with fresh ingredients.
  3. Versatile Variations:
    • The basic recipe can be customized with various vegetables or different protein options to suit your taste.
  4. Nutritious Meal:
    • Using fresh vegetables and meat, this dish provides a balanced and nutritious meal. Bulgogi is rich in protein, and the vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals.

See You Next Time

We’ll be back with more delicious and special recipes. Enjoy your bulgogi rice bowl and have a great day! Your feedback is always welcome. Please share your thoughts in the comments. Let’s continue to enjoy more delicious and healthy cooking together.



Have a tasty day!